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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:35 pm Reply with quote Back to top

I am just about 21 years old, I started driving when I was 16. I currently own a Honda Civic 1996. Unlike many people I know, I love driving, and the rules of the road aren't hard to follow because they are completely logical and make sense (But "common sense" seems to not be so common anymore). After sitting bored at my computer I had a sudden random thought about how frustrated I get when it comes to other peoples driving habits. So after 5 years of built up road rage, I decided to let off some steam and hear other peoples complaints so I googled "Driving Forums", so here I am.

So tell me guys, what are your biggest complaints about other drivers? The ones below are some of mine.

-Merging, people can't do it. You don't wait till you are on the freeway to get up to freeway speed, that is what that 750 foot long "Acceleration" lane is for. I can't stand people who merge on the freeway going 15-20 miles below the speed limit.

-People love their brakes, I don't understand. Countless times I drive down the road and see some guys brake lights flash and he slows down by 10 mph at a green light with no one else on the road. He doesn't turn, he wasn't going above the speed limit, he was just mindlessly pressing his brakes for god knows what reason.

-People who zip across 4 lanes on the freeway or the road to "Get off on their exit or turn". Don't make dangerous maneuvers, get off on the next fucking exit and turn around or make a U-Turn, it takes 3 minutes. You should have been paying attention to the road signs. All people care about is getting themselves to their own destination even if its at others expense (Which could one day be their lives).

-Common Courtesy. Allow people to merge in, does one car really slow you down that much? I can't stand people who try and "Close the Gap" when everyone knows its "Every other car" when it comes to merging. I always purposely force myself in and they honk at me as if I am the idiot. Only drive in the fast lane if you are going to go fast. I am sick of seeing those ugly Subaru's being driven by some old hippy woman going 65 in the fast lane, while people fly by on the right side and get in front of them.

-If your turning right then get in the goddamn bike lane. It makes sense, if your hitting your brakes so you can turn, then you are slowing down all the traffic behind you that isn't turning.

Overall I think the problem with most people is a lack of attention to the road, selfishness (not caring about others) or simply not paying attention or thinking of others, a lack of knowledge or common sense when it comes to the rules of the road, and fear. I tell myself if everyone drove like me everything would be perfect, but isn't that the case for all people? But I can't help but honestly feel that I am one of the better drivers out there. Do these things bother you guys to? Do you disagree with me? Let me know because I am dying over here.
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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 1:46 am Reply with quote Back to top

Welcome to Fun And Safe Driving Meathead. Thank you for joining our site.

lol I actually quite agree with you. These are all the things that frustrate me too, esp. people who cut across you from the right or those who fail to give an indicator before turning and then suddenly turn.

But I think even dangerous than these mistakes is losing your cool over them! Honestly. I've been driving for years now.... and one thing I've learnt is that there will always be bad driving out there....even good drivers making poor mistakes... but it's just not worth losing your patience over them. Just ruins your own day! Not to mention the risks it might put you in yourself driving with an angry state of mind... Smile
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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:24 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Hi Meathead, and welcome!

You are demonstrating surprisingly good judgement for your age! I totally agree with your assessment of the root of the problem. Unfortunately, quite a few people don't give a rats ass about paying attention to their driving, let alone noticing others exist...

However, I do agree to MOW - letting them get under your skin is something to try to avoid. I know it is hard to do, it took me years and I am still not there completely - but this is the only way to deal with it IMO. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:48 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Well I always get frustrated by other drivers but I never drive recklessly (Well there are a few rare occasions) because of my frustrations. I just need to depressurize and blow off some steam on these forums, whether people read it or not.
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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:29 pm Reply with quote Back to top

you're right of course MH... and for all we know, venting in these forums might help many of us stay sane on the roads, what with all the bad drivers out there!

Another thing that gets to me is how some people drive way below the average speed limit and being unable to overtake them! But it's a test of my nerves more than my driving I just take it as another lesson in patience! Wink
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