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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:56 am Reply with quote Back to top

I would greatly enjoy reading stories concerning observance/thoughts/opinion of Good drivers/Bad drivers and also Good/Bad pedestrians, and bicyclists.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:57 am Reply with quote Back to top

One category of "bad drivers" that I had not witnessed in years happened the other day. I was approaching a stop sign when a minivan pulled out of a parking lot on my left after I had passed. I assumed they were going to pull in behind me as I had already stopped. Instead they pulled across the street into another parking lot. I had no cross traffic and was making my right turn when I realized the minivan was cutting through the parking lot in order to avoid the stop sign. Too bad I had already turned spoiling their "plan" and forcing them to stop which they would be forced by law to do anyway before crossing a sidewalk. Two days later at the same intersection there was a car about 1/2 block behind me as I stopped at the stop sign. Again no traffic so I made my turn and witnessed an elderly woman in her large Buick cutting through the parking lot and being forced to slam on her brakes and stop. In the 12 years I have lived in this town I have been through the same intersection hundreds of times and never seen this happen. In this state and probably all others it is illegal to cut through a parking lot in order to avoid a traffic signal. I don't understand. The gain for these idiots would be 3 to 5 seconds at the most vs a $200 citation????
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:58 pm Reply with quote Back to top

I don't believe it. I was just at the same stop sign. A silver Honda Civic was behind me and turned into the parking lot to my left. I had to wait about 2 seconds for traffic then made my right turn. In my rear view mirror I could see that the Civic was cutting through that parking lot. OK. This idiot must be turning left. No. They turned right ending up about 1 1/2 blocks behind me when they could have been right behind me! I will gladly nominate this idiot for a promotion to MASTER IDIOT!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:24 pm Reply with quote Back to top

sgtrock21 wrote:
I don't believe it. I was just at the same stop sign. A silver Honda Civic was behind me and turned into the parking lot to my left. I had to wait about 2 seconds for traffic then made my right turn. In my rear view mirror I could see that the Civic was cutting through that parking lot. OK. This idiot must be turning left. No. They turned right ending up about 1 1/2 blocks behind me when they could have been right behind me! I will gladly nominate this idiot for a promotion to MASTER IDIOT!

haha, I completely agree with you mate!

Bad drivers for me = people who overtake on the wrong side, cutting in front of you and not even signalling before hand! Makes my blood boil.

Also, those who drive wayyyy below the speed limit on a dual carriage road, you know when they're supposed to be driving at 60 but are actually driving at 35 or something!

Oh yes, and pedestrians who cross the road talking on their phone or not even bothering to glance around, and then glare at you for not stopping in time!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:10 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Thanks newbielearner, These are some of my most hated. Especially the pedestrians. It seems in the last decade they have developed the idea that vehicles are operated by superhumans who can bring 3000+ lbs of mass to a complete stop in less than 1ft! Maybe that's how it works in their video games. I am afraid when cell phone zombie pedestrian meets cell phone zombie driver the results will be quite tragic.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:39 am Reply with quote Back to top

sgtrock21 wrote:
Thanks newbielearner, These are some of my most hated. Especially the pedestrians. It seems in the last decade they have developed the idea that vehicles are operated by superhumans who can bring 3000+ lbs of mass to a complete stop in less than 1ft! Maybe that's how it works in their video games. I am afraid when cell phone zombie pedestrian meets cell phone zombie driver the results will be quite tragic.

LOL you got it mate! And yeah, the clash of zombies! Btw, there are also the pedestrians who've got headphones on and can't actually 'hear' a car coming down a lane, let alone see one! They just cross blindly and then look completely offended if you don't stop.

I'm kinda wary of teenagers who even when they're not on their mobiles, think they own the road! They can be most reckless when they're walking in groups and chatting and laughing away. They actually STOP looking out for cars and leave it up to the drivers to dodge and avoid them! Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:09 pm Reply with quote Back to top

newbielearner wrote:
sgtrock21 wrote:
Thanks newbielearner, These are some of my most hated. Especially the pedestrians. It seems in the last decade they have developed the idea that vehicles are operated by superhumans who can bring 3000+ lbs of mass to a complete stop in less than 1ft! Maybe that's how it works in their video games. I am afraid when cell phone zombie pedestrian meets cell phone zombie driver the results will be quite tragic.

LOL you got it mate! And yeah, the clash of zombies! Btw, there are also the pedestrians who've got headphones on and can't actually 'hear' a car coming down a lane, let alone see one! They just cross blindly and then look completely offended if you don't stop.

I'm kinda wary of teenagers who even when they're not on their mobiles, think they own the road! They can be most reckless when they're walking in groups and chatting and laughing away. They actually STOP looking out for cars and leave it up to the drivers to dodge and avoid them! Rolling Eyes
I hear you. Shortly after moving to my small town (8,000) I found that it was an exersise in futility to drive past the local highschool at lunchtime. The teenagers cross at the school crossing where traffic is required to stop. They pace themselves in groups of two or three spaced to prevent traffic from continuing on their way. I know it is not by accident. They love to see traffic backed-up for blocks, Just because they can!
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:17 am Reply with quote Back to top

sgtrock21 wrote:
newbielearner wrote:
sgtrock21 wrote:
Thanks newbielearner, These are some of my most hated. Especially the pedestrians. It seems in the last decade they have developed the idea that vehicles are operated by superhumans who can bring 3000+ lbs of mass to a complete stop in less than 1ft! Maybe that's how it works in their video games. I am afraid when cell phone zombie pedestrian meets cell phone zombie driver the results will be quite tragic.

LOL you got it mate! And yeah, the clash of zombies! Btw, there are also the pedestrians who've got headphones on and can't actually 'hear' a car coming down a lane, let alone see one! They just cross blindly and then look completely offended if you don't stop.

I'm kinda wary of teenagers who even when they're not on their mobiles, think they own the road! They can be most reckless when they're walking in groups and chatting and laughing away. They actually STOP looking out for cars and leave it up to the drivers to dodge and avoid them! Rolling Eyes
I hear you. Shortly after moving to my small town (8,000) I found that it was an exersise in futility to drive past the local highschool at lunchtime. The teenagers cross at the school crossing where traffic is required to stop. They pace themselves in groups of two or three spaced to prevent traffic from continuing on their way. I know it is not by accident. They love to see traffic backed-up for blocks, Just because they can!

.... it's a conspiracy man, I tell ya! Very Happy

Pedestrians need lessons in walking too!
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:25 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Yesterday, My speed 20mph slowing to turn right into parking lot. I had already determined the "BICYCLE LANE" on my right was clear. There were no pedestrians on the sidewalk. I still look for skateboarders. I started my turn then had to hit my brakes as a cyclist was approaching at full speed on the sidewalk. This is strictly illegal but they do it all the time. The cyclist gave me a big smile as he zoomed by. I did not return it. I am not a violent person and would not intentionally harm someone with the exception of self defense or the defense of others. If I had not seen the wayward cyclist and made my turn instead of stopping, I think I could have cleared my conscience by considering it natural selection.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:29 am Reply with quote Back to top

sgtrock21 wrote:
Yesterday, My speed 20mph slowing to turn right into parking lot. I had already determined the "BICYCLE LANE" on my right was clear. There were no pedestrians on the sidewalk. I still look for skateboarders. I started my turn then had to hit my brakes as a cyclist was approaching at full speed on the sidewalk. This is strictly illegal but they do it all the time. The cyclist gave me a big smile as he zoomed by. I did not return it. I am not a violent person and would not intentionally harm someone with the exception of self defense or the defense of others. If I had not seen the wayward cyclist and made my turn instead of stopping, I think I could have cleared my conscience by considering it natural selection.

heehee survival of the fittest on the road! Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:37 pm Reply with quote Back to top

I ran across this gem on another forums humor page.

I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters! It remided me that the driver I hate 1000 times more than the jerk is the coward who lets them in!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:02 am Reply with quote Back to top

A good humor, but much less good as actual advice.

"teaming up" on the road, whether in an urban road or highway, to prevent another driver from entering or for any other reason - is dangerous! A two-second gap is the MINIMUM one should maintain for safety!
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:10 am Reply with quote Back to top

Astraist wrote:
A good humor, but much less good as actual advice.

"teaming up" on the road, whether in an urban road or highway, to prevent another driver from entering or for any other reason - is dangerous! A two-second gap is the MINIMUM one should maintain for safety!
I would never suggest this behavior at highway or any speed. What is being discussed is a traffic lane Usually involving a right or left turn only. The traffic in this lane is for all practical purposes stationary or barely "creeping". The perfect example exists in a nearby city. It is a rather confusing exchange and I will try to explain as best I can. It involves the only Westbound bridge out of the city. At certain times of the day traffic becomes very congested. Access of the bridge by Northbound traffic is from a three lane one way street (posted speed 35mph). The right lane is bridge access only. The other two lanes must continue past the bridge. Naturally the bridge only traffic backs up as much as five blocks. The "jerks" are the self entitled drivers who in their minds are more important than the drivers waiting their turn in the right lane. They take the lane to the left, pass all of the traffic in the right lane then upon reaching the point where they must aquire the right lane to access the bridge or continue past the bridge they stop and engage their right turn signal. They are now blocking one of the two lanes of drivers wishing to continue past the bridge. On a "best" day all drivers waiting their turn to progress in the right lane hold their ground and prevent the self entitled bast**ds/bitc**s from "merging". Most days after three or four drivers hold their ground a idiot/coward will let them in! In my opinion this only enables the bullies and lets them know that this rude (me first) behaviour will continue to be successful! The self entitled would never have the courage to attempt this in a queue at a theater, public transportation, or any time they were not in their vehicular armor.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:16 pm Reply with quote Back to top

Another bad cyclist today. On a city street with wide lanes and bicycle lanes. Cyclist in bicycle lane but going the wrong way. Lane has arrows showing the right way! This (by his appearance) "20 something hipster douchnozzle" had no clue that by riding the wrong way he could easily be smacked by a motor vehicle from a side street. Most drivers turning right from a side street onto a main street look to their left and when there is a break in traffic they turn right and enter the main street. Before I move I always look in the direction I am going. I have avoided 2 cyclists who were going the wrong way and a few pedestrians.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:53 am Reply with quote Back to top

sgtrock21 wrote:
Another bad cyclist today. On a city street with wide lanes and bicycle lanes. Cyclist in bicycle lane but going the wrong way. Lane has arrows showing the right way! This (by his appearance) "20 something hipster douchnozzle" had no clue that by riding the wrong way he could easily be smacked by a motor vehicle from a side street. Most drivers turning right from a side street onto a main street look to their left and when there is a break in traffic they turn right and enter the main street. Before I move I always look in the direction I am going. I have avoided 2 cyclists who were going the wrong way and a few pedestrians.

LOL whaddya expect a "20 something hipster douchnozzle" to do! I'm sure in between his texting and the Ipod, it's all he can do to stay on that bike at all! Wink
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