I was kind of hypnotized watching this video. No question, authorities should fix the problem on this extremely dangerous intersection the sooner the better, and I hope they did it already (video is a year old). This is not what kept me glued to the screen. I was watching different drivers negotiating this same corner at the seemingly equal speed with dramatically different results.
What caused this? Obviously older Fiats and Renaults were more vulnerable to skid due to the worn out suspension and probably bald tires (a set of good tires probably costs more than the car itself). But there were quite a few newer cars that did skid, and some oldies did not. This can be attributed only to the skill level of drivers - and you can see how dramatically it differs.
If this video does not trigger your decision to learn how to control skid, I don't know what will...
Just stumbled upon this nice video of driving in Moscow. I mean Russian capital, not one of the seven American moscows.
This is definitely not your Texas defensive driving. People in US are just not trained to watch that kind of behavior, and you can see this in scared and angry comments they left. However, I think that even most risky moments shown are no more dangerous than driving and eating at the same time, for example. And the most part is just a normal style of driving in Moscow, and I drive there the same way.
This kind of driving is expected and is habitual over there, and it does not cause other drivers to stall in a horror, and it does not cause any by-product accidents. I'm pretty much sure if I would attempt something like this on American roads, except for New York city may be, it would probably cause a chain reaction of accidents - people here are just not used to seeing this on a real road, not on a computer or TV screen.
On top of serious driver skills this kind of driving requires full and complete concentration on the task at hand, leave your cell phone or burger or DVD player alone if you ever attempt to try something like this. If you don't, you are doomed - this is a full-time job, no kidding.
There are days when the only safe speed is zero - do yourself a favor, just stay at home those days. Those drivers didn't, and now you can watch them from the balcony
Really, on icy winter days like this you needs very special driving skills that most drivers just don't have. The alternative would be spike tires, but they make sense in the climate where almost everybody has ice driving skills. So, if you have snow just a couple of weeks a year in your area, you are better off staying home.
How you sit does affect how you drive. In order to be able to steer away in case of emergency, one should have some room for his arms to move.
Unfortunately, many drivers do not realize this. Some drivers sit too far or too "relaxed", so they can hardly reach for the lower part of a steering wheel. Most drivers “hang” on a steering wheel. From those positions there is no way they can react to emergency by steering away – they just can't turn steering wheel back and forth fast enough. That leaves them with the single option: brake as hard as you can. Sometimes this is just not enough. More on proper sitting posture and discussion
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